Programme outline

Check out the programme outline* for TechBio Boost:

Week 1-2 Week 1-2

Intro & Onboard

  • Welcome, overview, introductions
  • Mentorship kick-off

Week 3-4 Week 3-4

TechBio Specific

  • Workshops on drug discovery and diagnostics/imaging
  • Interactive sessions with industry experts

16 October 16 October

TechBio UK (BIA conference)

  • Free entry
  • Partnering with collaborators, investors; network with peers & experts

Week 5-6 Week 5-6

Scaling & Company Building

  • Strategies for scaling up in TechBio
  • Team development, culture and DEI, leadership

Week 7-8 Week 7-8

Mentorship/Peer learning

  • Check-in on mentoring
  • Group coaching
  • Peer learning/sharing

Week 9-10 Week 9-10

Pharma engagement

  • Understanding what corporates want
  • 1-2-1 with industry professionals
  • Pharma showcase

Week 10-11 Week 10-11

Investor engagement

  • Crafting a compelling pitch
  • 1-2-1 with investors
  • Investor showcase

Week 11-12 Week 11-12

Graduation & Network Dinner

  • Dinner & pitching
  • Learnings and evaluation
  • Post-programme support and engagement

Beyond the TechBio Boost programme:

  • One free year’s membership of the BIA for companies completing the programme and the opportunity to participate in the BIA TechBio Community
  • Continued network and community alumni events run by KQ Labs and the BIA
  • Opportunity to develop mentor relationships with experienced C-Suite and management teams

*Programme is indicative and subject to change

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BIA are excited to announce the soft launch of our new website!

Our team is diligently working behind the scenes to enhance your browsing experience and provide you with valuable content. During this phase, you may encounter sections that are still under construction. We kindly ask for your patience as we finalise everything.

Thank you for visiting, and we thank you for your continuous support towards BIA.