8 October 2024

BIA comments on the launch of the new Regulatory Innovation Office

In response to the announcement of the new Regulatory Innovation Office (RIO), aimed at accelerating public access to new technologies and reducing regulatory hurdles for innovation, Steve Bates OBE, CEO of the BioIndustry Association, commented:

The UK's world-class strength in engineering biology and AI is a unique opportunity to drive economic growth and deliver innovative products that improve all our lives, from healthier food with a smaller carbon footprint to precision cancer vaccines with reduced side-effects. Regulation when done right can be an enabler of innovation, not a hinderance. We welcome this rapid progress by the new Labour government to install a new body tasked with making sure great British innovations reach the public faster so that we can all benefit. 

The BIA has been closely involved in the development of this new approach to engineering biology through the Regulatory Horizons Council and the Biosecurity Leadership Council. We look forward to engaging further as the Regulatory Innovation Office takes shape. 

We also hope that this leads to greater collaboration between regulators to ensure a joined-up and comprehensive approach to new innovations in the pipeline.