25 Apr 2022

Influencing and shaping our sector | BIA update: January to April 2022

This quarterly update gives an overview of key policy developments and the BIA’s continued involvement with policymakers, regulatory authorities and wider stakeholders on behalf of the UK life sciences sector, from January to April 2022.

This quarter saw some of the BIA’s influencing work come to fruition within Government. The Chancellor’s Spring Statement included an update on the R&D tax reliefs review, confirming that overseas clinical trials will be eligible for relief in line with BIA advice. Our annual report on biotech financing showed record investment in the sector in 2021 and was launched at a panel discussion with Science Minister George Freeman MP in January. The BIA continued to foster government-industry collaboration through the Life Sciences Council and links with Parliament through the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Life Sciences, both of which had successful meetings this quarter.

Influencing report - 14 meetings Influencing report - 13 consultation responses Influencing report - 8 letters to Ministers

The BIA has also represented members’ and the sector’s interests in numerous government reviews and consultations, covering shared commitments for boosting the genomics sector across the four nations, a new UK Biological Security Strategy, making the UK a ‘science superpower’, improving diversity in STEM, updating legislation on clinical trials in the UK, and the future of the Biomedical Catalyst.

Download Influencing and shaping our sector - BIA update (January to April 2022) report for further details on the BIA’s work this quarter.


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BIA are excited to announce the soft launch of our new website!

Our team is diligently working behind the scenes to enhance your browsing experience and provide you with valuable content. During this phase, you may encounter sections that are still under construction. We kindly ask for your patience as we finalise everything.

Thank you for visiting, and we thank you for your continuous support towards BIA.