13 Dec 2023

I’m (finally) not going to the JP Morgan week but if you are...

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If you are planning to visit San Francisco to attend JP Morgan Healthcare Week in January 2024, Steve Bates OBE, CEO of BioIndustry Association offers an overview and useful tips in this blog. 

I’m not going (and feel liberated)

I’ve finally done it. I’ve overcome my FOMO and I won’t be going to San Franciso in January 2024 for the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference for the first time in over a decade. As I said in my blog of 20 November, it’s because I believe I can get a greater return on my time and money than spending another week feeling scared on the street and ripped off in the buildings of downtown San Francisco. It will also reduce my carbon budget. London Life Science Week around Jefferies in November is now an excellent networking event and many UK companies make the US connections they need via BIO Europe and BioEquity or trips to Boston and New York.

However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t value to be had for UK life science companies in going and the one thing that members say they value most is our signposting and guiding of where the UK action is at during the week. So here goes.

The UK offering this year

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) will lead the UK presence on the ground in San Francisco for the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, taking advantage of this annual gathering of the global life sciences industry to promote the UK. Their focus this year is on building confidence in the UK life sciences sector, driving inward investment to the UK, shining a light on the UK as a destination for global talent, and enabling B2B networking opportunities for UK companies with potential investors/collaborators/partners.

Be unsurprised to see the following representing the UK offer to the global life science industry (but no guarantees) Science Minister Andrew Griffith MP, Marc Bailey of the MHRA, Lucy Chappell of NIHR, Raghib Ali of OFT and Roz Campion of the Office of Life Science.  

There are two invite-only UK set-piece engagements for the week:

  • A CEO/Investor networking event on Sunday evening (7 January).

This is for UK life sciences CEOs to network with US/Global/UK VCs and investors with a patient capital focus, and will include an investor panel discussion. This is a DBT event in partnership with a BIA member, Taylor Wessing. To be considered to attend by DBT please contact [email protected] or fill out the Google form.

  • The main UK Networking Reception on the Monday evening (8 January)

This B2B life sciences networking event is in partnership with DBT’s Global Talent Network and a BIA member Coulter Partners and has a wider audience including global pharma and life sciences companies. This is the event that the BIA has partnered with in the past and is the one to aim at if you are a first-timer. To be considered to attend by DBT please contact [email protected], or Bianca, or fill out the Google form.

Additionally, through its established network of pharma BD&L and investor contacts, DBT will be promoting UK companies in town for the week. This will include sharing short profiles of the UK companies visiting San Francisco, and company contact details (optional) to enable more B2B connections to be made.

If you would like to be considered to be featured in DBT’s external outreach, please fill in this Google form by COP 20 December.

42nd Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference: 7-11 January 2024

If you have an invite you will already know. The official position is that the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference is for clients of the firm, by invitation only. 

Biotech Showcase

Biotech Showcase is the next largest set piece event which has 47 UK companies registered as attending and 19 UK-based investors coming along. Take a look at who is attending and presenting.

JPM Guide

However, this is where I’d suggest you start. This guide from our friends at BioCentury and MacDougal gives the clearest guide to making the most of your time in San Francisco, from sun-up to sundown. They’ve put together an overview of the conferences, receptions and parties, access intelligence and analysis of biopharma partners, and resources for the best ways to manage your time during one of the busiest weeks of the year. Many of the evening events are reasonably open access if you ask around and are an important part of the week.

Partnering resources

The following are the more commonly used systems to arrange meetings during JP Morgan Healthcare Week.

BIO One-on-One Partnering System™

  • Open to the public
  • Can participate in-person, virtually, or both
  • Flexibility to schedule meetings in your own in-person and virtual locations, or BIO-provided Zoom links


  • Associated with Biotech Showcase and Digital Health and Medtech Showcase
  • Available to those registered for those conferences
  • Cost to register for these conferences = see website

Digital RESI Partnering Platform

  • Associated with RESI conferences
  • Complimentary with registration to a RESI event

I hope you found this brief guide of use, let me know what you think. If you are using the week to present or make news please make sure you contact us so we can amplify on social media. And stay safe. 


More news and updates 

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