Genomics Nation 2022: Key findings infographic

Genomics nation 2022 infographic

The UK genomics sector:

  • 121 high growth companies with over 3,500 employees
  • £1.8bn venture investment raised since 2017
  • £35.7m public R&D grants since 2017
  • Top investors: University of Cambridge seed and enterprise funds
  • Top spin out universities: Cambridge and Oxford

Genomics skills challenges:

  • Computational and data science skills most difficult to recruit for
  • Lack of cross-sector experience and knowledge identified
  • Difficulties in recruiting European talent highlighted
Genomics nation 2022

Genomics nation 2022

Innovative UK genomics companies are vital to the future wealth of our nation. With the right investment, skilled people and partnership working with the NHS family, UK SMEs are ideally placed to have an impact on the global stage. The report shows that UK genomics companies raised £1.9 billion of venture investment and £35.7 million in public grants since 2017, demonstrating the strength of this innovative sector.

Read the report


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