24 May 2023

Flexible Apprenticeships in the Life Sciences sector - Manual

The government's flexible apprenticeships manual which outlines how to effectively implement the flexi job model.

A new manual sets out how flexible apprenticeships can be used and delivered in Life Sciences to meet the needs of employers and apprentices. Co-developed by the Department for Education (DfE), the Office for Life Sciences (OLS), BIA and the life sciences sector, the manual outlines different ways that apprenticeships can be used flexibly:

  • Flexible models for training, so off-the-job training can be delivered to best suit the needs of apprentices and employers, such as through weekly delivery, front-loading, or block training.
  • Accelerated apprenticeships, which can significantly reduce the duration to reflect prior learning.
  • Portable Flexi-Job Apprenticeships (pilot) and Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agencies which are supporting learners to move between shorter-term employment with different employers including in life sciences.

Life sciences companies are already using flexible apprenticeships, including industry employers who co-authored this manual alongside government. 

Dr Kate Barclay, Skills Strategy Consultant, BIA said:

“The UK’s life sciences and biotech industry responds to some of today’s largest global challenges, from developing ideas on climate change and the ageing society to manufacturing vaccines for global pandemics. Access to diverse talent and a highly skilled workforce is fundamental to an innovative biotech sector. Career opportunities in biotechnology are as diverse as they are rewarding.

“Professional and Technical Education are vital in developing future skills and securing a strong talent pipeline. It is great to see apprenticeships becoming more frequently used to attract and retain vital talent across life sciences and biotech. BIA is invested in developing new and diverse talent pathways into the industry to support the UK life sciences ecosystem of start-ups, SMEs and large pharmaceutical and technology companies.”

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