23 Jun 2023

Celebrating women in biotech and life sciences on INWED 2023

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women in engineering and other STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. This year, BIA is highlighting the diversity of women in biotech and life sciences.

The interview features women from across the board, from students and graduates to senior managers and leaders. They share their stories, experiences and advice for other women who are interested in a career in the biotech and life sciences.

Helene Trottin, Senior Technical Specialist at Pharmaron, shares her passion for using her skills to help patients and talks about the challenges of having to relocate fromt eh South of France to pursue here career path in biotech in the UK. Helene offers advice to other women who are considering a career in the field.

Sena Mutlu, Senior Project Manager, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, with a deep understanding of the biotech industry, talks about the importance of collaboration and offers advice to women who are looking to advance their careers in biotech.

Simranjeet Sidhu, Research Assistant at Human Centric Drug Discovery, is a recent graduate. She shares of her challenge of finding a role in the industry. She reflects on how much the industry has impacted her. She also shares her deep passion for the value that the biotech brings to patients and their loved ones. 

Izzy Sloan, Chemical Engineering Degree Apprentice at GSK, shares of her fascination of the biotech industry's problem solving, innovative and dynamic nature. Izzy chose to pursue her career in this sector because of her passion to make people's lives better and believes she will not be bored in the sector.  



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