30 Mar 2022

BIA submission to Global Talent Network – Implementation Discussion Document

BioIndustry Association submission to Global Talent Network – Implementation Discussion Document

Summary of feedback on the Global Talent Network:

Access to international talent is fundamental to an innovative biotech sector. The BioIndustry Association (BIA) has consulted widely on the current immigration system and has used its knowledge of the sector’s skills and talent landscape to inform this response to the discussion document

  • The Global Talent Network (GTN) aims to attract international talent to work in the UK. The BIA recommends a flexible approach is taken to maximise the attraction of suitable candidates to innovative biotech SMEs.
  • Measures to attract talent to the UK’s biotech sector should include: publicising the significant levels of investment in the sector; signposting initial jobs, long term career and business opportunities; and showing how they fit into the funding, investment, and entrepreneurial environment.
  • Sectors within the scope of the GTN include key BIA innovation focus areas. There is a significant talent gap in the translation of innovative research to clinical and commercial manufacturing in the UK.
  • Partnership with the Department for International Trade (DIT) Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP) and current initiatives such as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), Collaborative Training Partnerships and funding streams for individual talent, such as Future Leaders Fellowships, should be considered to ensure the ecosystem is visibly linked to the attracted talent.
  • Key performance indicators should ensure the quality of talent is balanced with the number of individuals attracted to the UK. The BIA has established a strong network of organisations across the industry and could provide information and evidence to build these targets.

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