20 Jan 2023

BIA response to AMR national action plan call for evidence

The BIA has responded to the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)’s call for evidence on the next antimicrobial resistance (AMR) national action plan. Our response was developed with input from a range of BIA members working in the AMR space.

The BIA has responded to the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)’s call for evidence on the next antimicrobial resistance (AMR) national action plan. Our response was developed with input from a range of BIA members working in the AMR space.

In our response, we highlighted that:

  • The UK has demonstrated significant leadership in tackling AMR, including the launch of NICE and NHS England’s pilot project for a subscription-style payment model for antimicrobial drugs. It is important that the UK sharing lessons learned from the project and championing the principle of a subscription-style model across the world.
  • Despite the progress that has been made in increasing incentives for investment into AMR R&D, there is a lot of more to, both domestically and internationally. In particular, the Government should consider how its policies can support higher levels of private investment into the AMR space.  
  • The next national action plan should recognise areas which require more focus in the UK, including incentivising the development of innovative diagnostics for microbial infections. Improvements could also be made to data sharing and accessibility in the UK to ensure that stakeholders have accurate and timely information to inform their decision making.


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