The BIA Finance and Tax Advisory Committee (FTAC) guides the BIA’s work, and advocates for its members, in shaping, influencing and enhancing the financial environment for innovative life sciences and biotech companies in the UK.

The committee is the forum where BIA members can directly input into policy development and interactions with the Government on finance and tax matters.

FTAC Priorities

1. Influence

1. Influence and shape government policy on tax and finance matters to provide the support necessary for our membership and wider industry sector

We will do this by driving and influencing legislative change to protect the sector by:

  • Supporting and influencing the Scale-Up Taskforce recommendations
  • Addressing HMRC consultations and continue proactive advocacy for our sector
2. Expert advice

2. Assist with improving the attractiveness of UK biotech companies to investors

Building the funding story for our members by:

  • Providing and interpreting meaningful data – capital investment, investment in R&D
  • Identifying ways to engage further with the investment community

We will pro-actively engage with HM Treasury/HMRC on anticipated tax changes, particularly capital gains tax and the implementation of the PAYE cap, to ensure the BIA is first in the conversation. We will follow the National Security and Investment Bill and inform the BIA’s representations to Government. We will work with the British Business Bank and Office for Life Sciences, and other partners and stakeholders, to identify actions that could increase the availability of finance for our sector.

3. Support

3. Continuing to be a sustainable impactful committee, providing a valuable resource for BIA members on finance and tax matters

Supporting our members:

  • Supporting the wider membership base: education; information – webinars, guidance notes
  • Explore more informal communication channels to support development of wider network participation
  • Identify ways of supporting the next generation of finance leaders


Latest FTAC updates and resources

UK biotech financing 2023

Despite the global economic downturn, UK life sciences companies secured £1.25 billion in venture financing, constituting 11% of the total venture capital investment in UK companies this year.


FTAC membership

FTAC will seek to have a membership of approximately 30 member organisation representatives from across the BIA community, including SMEs and large companies, finance and investor institutions and advisory firms. FTAC members will be expected to attend the four quarterly meetings and encouraged to also participate between meetings. 

Association with other member groups

The Committee will foster collaboration with other committees and groups as required.

BIA FTAC Members