The University of Oxford

University/College/Not for Profit Organisation

  • Funding stage: Not applicable
  • Technology type: Any
  • Oxford
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Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford Engineering Informatics Building, 17 Parks Road,, Oxford, OX1 3PJ, United Kingdom

The University of Oxford at a glance

Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research.

About The University of Oxford

Combining tools and though leadership from engineering, biology and other disciplines, Oxford researchers and academics are developing approaches for the rational and predictable design, engineering and scale-up of biological systems to tackle the Grand Challenges of our time. Together, we are working on cutting-edge projects with wide-ranging applications to realise economic and societal benefits and address real-world needs. Through doctoral training and support for early career researchers we are also training the next generation of academic and industrial leaders. Ongoing research and activities include the Engineering Biology Centre for Doctoral Training (EngBioCDT), the 6 year EEBio EPSRC Programme Grant, and a strategic alliance with the newly launched Ellison Institute of Technology that will fuel broad collaboration between researhers and students.

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