Roslin Technologies Ltd
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Roslin Innovation Centre, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Campus, Midlothian, EH25 9RG, United Kingdom
Roslin Technologies Ltd at a glance
Roslin Technologies is a life sciences company in Scotland focused on developing and commercialising animal cell lines for cultivated meat.
About Roslin Technologies Ltd
Roslin Technologies is a life sciences company in Scotland focused on developing and commercialising animal cell lines for cultivated meat. Cultivated meat is meat grown directly from animal cells without the need to raise animals. Cultivated meat has the potential to improve animal welfare, lower antibiotics use and reduce the environmental footprint of meat production.
Affordable and nutritious cultivated meat starts with high-performing cells. Roslin Technologies supplies pluripotent stem cells from livestock species to producers globally. These cells come with the knowhow and support required to grow these cells into cultivated meat. Roslin Technologies started commercialising in 2021 and is now shipping to customers and partners across North America, Europe and Asia.
In 2017, Roslin Technologies was spun out from the Roslin Institute, the animal science institute of the University of Edinburgh and the place where Dolly the Sheep was born in the 90s. She was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. She was a major breakthrough in stem cell technologies. Building on that invention, Roslin Technologies aims to be at the forefront of stem cell innovation again.