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Medical Research Council (MRC)

Public Sector Organisation

Membership category

58 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DS, United Kingdom

Medical Research Council (MRC) at a glance

The Medical Research Council (MRC) improves the health of people in the UK and around the world by funding excellent science and training the very best scientists. MRC is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

About Medical Research Council (MRC)

The mission of Medical Research Council (MRC), which is part of UKRI, is to improve human health through world-class medical research, from discovery science to translational and clinical research and preventive medicine. Working across sectors and disciplines, MRC funding catalyses new discoveries, accelerates innovation and facilitates the development of new interventions to treat and prevent disease and to advance health for societal and economic benefit. Training, motivating and developing people in their research careers has long been central to MRC’s mission. A highly skilled research base and mobility between academia, clinical practice and industry are essential to the UK’s continued leadership in medical research. We are committed to funding outstanding individuals to perform ground-breaking research, regardless of where they work.

Therapeutic area(s)

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