

Medical Technologies & Devices

Membership category

Seacourt Tower, Botley, Oxford, OX2 0JJ, United Kingdom

Brainomix at a glance

Brainomix specialises in the creation of AI-powered imaging biomarkers that enable precision medicine for better treatment decisions.

About Brainomix

Brainomix specializes in the creation of AI-powered software solutions to enable precision medicine for better treatment decisions in stroke, lung fibrosis, and cancer. With origins as a spin-out from the University of Oxford, Brainomix is an expanding commercial-stage company that has innovated award-winning imaging biomarkers and software solutions that are used in more than 30 countries worldwide. Its first product, the e-Stroke platform, provides clinicians with the most comprehensive stroke imaging solution, driving faster treatment times and improving functional independence for patients.

Therapeutic area(s)

Articles Brainomix has contributed to

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