Translating research into therapies with the help of computer science

Join this event to learn about big data and how we use functional genomics and AI (artificial intelligence/machine learning) to uncover new biology and find clues to new therapies.

This event is organised by the Milner Therapeutics Institute as part of the 2025 Cambridge Festival

The Milner Therapeutics Institute’s mission is to turn basic science discoveries into therapies for patients. Join this event to learn about big data and how we use functional genomics and AI (artificial intelligence/machine learning) to uncover new biology and find clues to new therapies.

Namshik Han, Head of Computational Biology and Artificial Intelligence, Milner Therapeutics Institute
Erica Bello, Head of Target Discovery, Milner Therapeutics Institute

Please register (click on the "learn more and book" button at right) if you'd like to attend.