Statutory fees for SMEs: webinar about the MHRA consultation

The MHRA recently published proposals for changes to our statutory fees. The proposals have been developed with the specific aim of continuing ongoing cost recovery in line with HM Treasury’s principles on Managing Public Money.

The MHRA recently published proposals for changes to our statutory fees.

The proposals, which have been developed with the specific aim of continuing ongoing cost recovery in line with HM Treasury’s principles on Managing Public Money, are designed to:

· Ensure the MHRA is adequately resourced to provide its services to patients, the public and industry

· Achieve full cost recovery in line with HM Treasury’s principles on Managing Public Money

· Secure the financial sustainability of the MHRA

This webinar will provide an overview of the MHRA consultation on statutory fees for micro and small-medium sized business, and will also cover the changes we are making to fees for medical devices.

You can pre-submit a question when you register and the webinar will also include a live Q&A session.

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