PULSE 2024

Why apply?


“I enormously appreciated the very individual help on my pitch and feedback and the lawyers present in the breaks to consider how to move forward with IP. The individual 4 min presentation and feedback from individuals in the know. It was how personalised the programme was that was so valuable. Fellow delegates were inspiring and particularly lovely (many offers of help). Thank you.”

Tamsin Holland Brown, PULSE 2020 participant

“There were sessions covering a full spectrum of topics and both the contributors and the other participants brought a wealth of experiences and were very generous in sharing these.... I really enjoyed the programme and gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration.”

Caroline Milner, PULSE 2020 participant

"I attended the PULSE training session and a one day workshop prior to this, and all three events have been extraordinarily useful for me in different ways. I look forward to attending more in the future. I came home with several good leads and ideas. Thank you BIA!" 

Caroline Milner, PULSE 2021 participant

“I wasn't totally sure what to expect and I have been to a couple of similar events in the past. However, the course content and people were really great, and I have learnt a lot. Having a course that is targeted at health / patient care really helps the focus. The cohort of participants was also really good and that meant we could learn a lot from one another. The networking sessions were great, and external people that came were really engaged and interested to meet us. The most useful things I learnt were about building a team in all aspects, and hearing the highs and lows from people that have started companies. I'd like to thank everyone that organised, everyone was so enthusiastic and happy to help.”

Holly Reeve, PULSE 2020 participant

“BIA PULSE pleasantly surprised me with both quantity and quality of information critical to an aspiring entrepreneur in life sciences. The network of BIA is full of truly inspiring and friendly people. PULSE provided me with a safe space to discuss and scrutinise my idea with people who have decades of experience - a process I did not expect to be friendly and encouraging… my network grew exponentially and I find lots of support and encouragement to pursue my business idea. It still remains one of my very favourite events aimed at research commercialisation/technology transfer to the day!”

Jolanta Beinarovica, PULSE 2020 participant

“It was a good way to meet new people and there was enough time to start building relationships. It allowed me to reconnect with people I had met before. And the speed dating led to three investors asking for a copy of our pitch deck. It was a great experience. Thanks so much for organising this!”

Marloes Tijssen, PULSE 2020 participant

“Good and diverse programme and very impressed by the calibre of people involved.”

George Tetley, PULSE 2020 participant

“I’m really grateful for having the opportunity to attend Pulse this year. Thank you very much indeed. I wasn’t at all sure what to expect, but my expectations were exceeded in every way, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Moreover, your organisational skills with Remo etc. were brilliant. Please can you also pass on my thanks to those whose emails I don’t have and those that helped behind the scenes to make it so successful. I look forward to joining BIA so hope I’ll meet some of you in person in the coming months (when we are finally allowed to leave the kitchen table for good!).”

Clare Selden, PULSE 2021 participant

“I just wanted to quickly congratulate you on a fantastic event! I found all the sections to be extremely helpful and the quality of speakers, panellists, participants, and organizers was truly outstanding. I was particularly impressed at the logistic success of the entire event despite its complexity, so very well done! Thank you for your efforts. I'm sure I speak for all the participants when I say that it was an immensely helpful and rewarding experience.”

Anaid Benitez, PULSE 2021 participant

“Many thanks for the invite to the networking session. I very much enjoyed it. It was my first time joining remo and it worked very well. The participants were also very talkative and super happy with the programme. Congratulations for running a successful programme. Well done! It would be lovely if we keep in touch.”

Alexandra Huener, PULSE 2021 participant


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Our team is diligently working behind the scenes to enhance your browsing experience and provide you with valuable content. During this phase, you may encounter sections that are still under construction. We kindly ask for your patience as we finalise everything.

Thank you for visiting, and we thank you for your continuous support towards BIA.