FOSBE 2024 - 10th IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering

The 10th IFAC International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2024) will be held at the Divani Corfu Palace Hotel in Corfu Island, Greece, from 8 to 11 September 2024. FOSBE 2024 is organized by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), through the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT) of the Foundation for Research & Technology- Hellas (FORTH).

FOSBE 2024 focuses on the use of systems engineering, mathematical modelling, process & automatic control principles and approaches in biology. The interdisciplinary field of Systems Biology has dramatically evolved in recent years, using computational methodologies, including big data analysis and machine learning, to address complex problems in many areas of biological applications, taking advantage of technological advancements enabling the acquisition of big amounts of measurements from multi-scale biosystems, ranging from large-scale bioreactor complexes to single cells.

Key topics:

  • Dynamic modelling and control of complex biological systems
  • Multi-scale modelling and multi-omics data integration
  • ‘Design, build, test, learn’ results in synthetic biology
  • Systems biology for human health
  • Systems biology for ecological systems
  • Novel bioprocessing principles and fields
  • Model-assisted bioprocess development and control
  • Advances in systems/synthetic biology fundamentals (concepts, methods, computational tools, education)

Abstract submission deadline: 7th March 2024

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