Building successful partnerships: key considerations for biotech startups

  • 09:30, 11 Jul 24 - 14:00, 11 Jul 24
  • E E F Ltd, London
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RSSL invites you to attend our half day event, providing a whistle stop tour of the key areas required to take your discoveries from inception to completion.

We will be covering investment strategy; legal considerations & discussing what to look for when working with outsourced partners with our CMC expert. Hear from Lindsay Davies as she highlights how she has navigated this path with her company NextCell Pharma, and the trials and tribulations she has faced so far.

Are you a spin-out or start-up company in the biotech sphere, fuelled by innovation and driven by the quest for breakthroughs? As a new CEO, do you find yourself propelled from the laboratory into the dynamic world of business, tasked with hitting critical research milestones while balancing the demands of investors and regulators?

Embark on your journey with confidence at our exclusive workshop, designed especially for early-stage biotech pioneers like you. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of the biotech landscape, illuminating the path from concept to commercialisation with practical insights and invaluable guidance.

